Bind9 listen on IpV4 only – Disable IpV6

For whatever motive, and until IpV6 is fully adopted, you get speed increases on networks and internet by disabling IpV6 lookups wherever you can. This is how to disable IpV6 in Bind9

Login to your server as root and edit the bind9 file:

vim /etc/default/bind9

IPv4 only:

# run resolvconf?
# startup options for the server
OPTIONS=”-4 -u bind”

IPv6 only:

# run resolvconf?
# startup options for the server
OPTIONS=”-6 -u bind”

Once you have edited the bind9  file and chosen either IpV4 or IpV6, you need to restart the BIND service:

/etc/init.d/bind9 restart

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