Fix: gettext_domain not understood below schema

What does node not understood below mean?
A few people have posted on forums an mailing lists regarding this message, so I thought I’d post a quick fix/workaround.
PS: I had to mess around with that message as my blog wouldn’t post it, even with code tags.

You may install a package or do an update/upgrade from the terminal and see this come up:

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for gconf2 ...
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
Processing triggers for man-db ...

This is due to the tag in /usr/share/gconf/schemas/ not being recognized.

You can do a simple grep to find out which schema is causing the problem with this command:

grep gettext /usr/share/gconf/schemas/*

In my case it was caused by the schema for gnome-keyring:

/usr/share/gconf/schemas/gnome-keyring.schemas: <gettext_domain>gnome-keyring</gettext_domain>

Where do all these .schemas come from?

I don’t use gnome-keyring, so I just removed it. But I was curious to see what was there so I cd’d into /usr/share/gconf/schemas to take a look, and in my case I see that practically all the schemas are Gnome related. I’m on Crunchbang Statler Openbox, but did install Gnome a while back to have a play wih a few apps.

This is what I saw:

ls -ln /usr/share/gconf/schemas/
apps_evolution_addressbook.schemas desktop_gnome_interface.schemas gedit.schemas
apps-evolution-attachment-reminder.schemas desktop_gnome_lockdown.schemas gedit-show-tabbar-plugin.schemas
apps_evolution_calendar.schemas desktop_gnome_peripherals_keyboard.schemas gksu.schemas
apps_evolution_email_custom_header.schemas desktop_gnome_peripherals_mouse.schemas gnome-audio-profiles.schemas
apps_evolution_eplugin_face.schemas desktop_gnome_sound.schemas gnome-sound-recorder.schemas
apps-evolution-external-editor.schemas desktop_gnome_thumbnail_cache.schemas gnome-terminal.schemas
apps-evolution-mail-notification.schemas desktop_gnome_thumbnailers.schemas gnome-volume-control.schemas
apps-evolution-mail-prompts-checkdefault.schemas desktop_gnome_typing_break.schemas gnumeric-dialogs.schemas
apps_evolution_shell.schemas desktop_gnome_url_handlers.schemas gnumeric-general.schemas
apps-evolution-template-placeholders.schemas epiphany-lockdown.schemas gnumeric-plugins.schemas
apps_xchat_url_handler.schemas epiphany.schemas gstreamer-0.10.schemas
bogo-junk-plugin.schemas evince.schemas gweather.schemas
desktop_default_applications.schemas evince-thumbnailer-comics.schemas metacity.schemas
desktop_gnome_accessibility_keyboard.schemas evince-thumbnailer-djvu.schemas nm-applet.schemas
desktop_gnome_accessibility_startup.schemas evince-thumbnailer-dvi.schemas notification-daemon.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_at_mobility.schemas evince-thumbnailer-ps.schemas nst.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_at_visual.schemas evince-thumbnailer.schemas rhythmbox.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_browser.schemas evolution-mail.schemas system_dns_sd.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_office.schemas evolution-webcal.schemas system_http_proxy.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_terminal.schemas file-roller.schemas system_smb.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_window_manager.schemas gcalctool.schemas vinagre.schemas
desktop_gnome_background.schemas gedit-drawspaces.schemas yelp.schemas
desktop_gnome_file_views.schemas gedit-file-browser.schemas

Solution Reinstall the offending package
I reinstalled gnome-keyring to take a look at its “.schema” only to find that the offending “gettext” tag no-longer exists. So it appears that it was a bug that has been reported and removed. So if you get this error, just reinstall the offending package and check the .schema, if it is still there, report it as a bug.

Now i’m off to remove all that nasty Gnome baggage 🙂

Complete Debian Linux Guide – On Your Desktop

There are guides that can be installed and accessed from your desktop, so no need for searching the internet to learn about Debian linux.

These multilingual guides can be installed with Synaptic or the command line:

debian-reference - metapackage to install (all) translations of Debian Reference
debian-reference-common - Debian system administration guide, common examples
debian-reference-de - Debian system administration guide, German translation
debian-reference-en - Debian system administration guide, English original
debian-reference-es - Debian system administration guide, Spanish translation
debian-reference-fr - Debian system administration guide, French translation
debian-reference-it - Debian system administration guide, Italian translation
debian-reference-ja - Debian system administration guide, Japanese translation
debian-reference-pl - Debian system administration guide, Polish translation
debian-reference-pt-br - Debian system administration guide, Portuguese translation
debian-reference-zh-cn - Debian system administration guide, Chinese(CN) translation
debian-reference-zh-tw - Debian system administration guide, Chinese(TW) translation

For example, I typed this in the terminal (and hit “enter”):
sudo apt-get install debian-reference-common debian-reference-en

Then once it was installed, I typed this in the terminal (and hit “enter”)

Then the complete Debian Reference Guide opened in my Chrome webbrowser. How cool is that ?!

Bind9 listen on IpV4 only – Disable IpV6

For whatever motive, and until IpV6 is fully adopted, you get speed increases on networks and internet by disabling IpV6 lookups wherever you can. This is how to disable IpV6 in Bind9

Login to your server as root and edit the bind9 file:

vim /etc/default/bind9

IPv4 only:

# run resolvconf?
# startup options for the server
OPTIONS=”-4 -u bind”

IPv6 only:

# run resolvconf?
# startup options for the server
OPTIONS=”-6 -u bind”

Once you have edited the bind9  file and chosen either IpV4 or IpV6, you need to restart the BIND service:

/etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Installing Status.Net ( on a Hosted Server and

I spend a lot of time chatting on and saw a lot of remote instances linking in. Many were from the domain where you can get your own microblog hosted by them. I tried this but kept going back to, then realised you can download and install your own instance.


There are many things I like to do, but installing stuff is what I have always liked about both Linux and Servers. Over the years I have installed and hosted practically every type of forum/blog/cms software. So methinks cool!, i’m gonna get me one of those! 🙂


I’d already installed and setup a instance on my home and work servers, so decided to install one at my LxH domain for myself and a few buddies. A bit of trial and error lead me to opt for a subDIRECTORY this time over a subDOMAIN. I think the best place for any site is at your host’s root or /var/www unless you are prepared to fiddle with htaccess files and other settings which may need to be redirected.

1. First I logged in to my hosting panel. My host is (but more about them later).

2. I decided to call my microblog “lxhica”, yeah, lxh + my favourite microblog site identI.CA 🙂

3. I created a subdirectory and database called lxhix¡ca, then I went to downloads and downloaded the package from here (currently version 0.9.7fix1):

4. Next I unpacked the tar.gz, connected to my host via ftp and uploaded the contents of the unpacked directory to my newly created /www/www/lxhica directory on my server, and I was ready to go to my browser and navigate to the address and begin the install.

A couple of things

1. Do the installation step-by-step and make sure you have the “fancy-urls” enabled at the beginning. If you don’t, and try to enable them afterwards, you are going to get get grief if you have already created accounts “before” they were enabled. With the fancy urls you get the and links instead of numbers.

2. Check to make sure your host has everything that needs to run properly. Mainly Php Pear Modules,  Crypt_RSA and bcmath or gmp. If you aren’t sure, ask your host’s support team.


I Would like to say thanks to the ICDsoft Sure Support team who are second to none in my opinion. And also JordanC at for the amazing assistance they gave me. You can see the support thread here:

Solution Asterisk: manager.c: tried to authenticate with nonexistent user ‘user’

If you get this error message with your Asterisk install, it’s because you have installed some kind of remote gui web manager, such as the op-panel.

manager.c: tried to authenticate with nonexistent user ‘user’

The reason is because ot is trying to login with “user” + “secret” as a password and you haven’t yet added it to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

So edit like this:

vim /etc/asterisk/manager.conf

Which should only have:

; Asterisk Call Management support

; By default asterisk will listen on localhost only.
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =

; No access is allowed by default.
; To set a password, create a file in /etc/asterisk/manager.d
; use creative permission games to allow other serivces to create their own
; files
include “manager.d/*.conf”

Edit it so it looks like this with “user” added:

; Asterisk Call Management support

; By default asterisk will listen on localhost only.
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =

secret = secret
deny =
permit =
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user

; No access is allowed by default.
; To set a password, create a file in /etc/asterisk/manager.d
; use creative permission games to allow other serivces to create their own
; files
include “manager.d/*.conf”

Now reload asterisk:

/etc/init.d/asterisk reload

And connect:

asterisk -r

And it should tell you that “user” has logged in successfully on

How to BBC iPlayer outside UK with Chrome

BBC iPlayer Howto-s
The LxH Planet just caught a feed from Kevie on how to download and save TV shows from the BBC iPlayer and I recall an outdated Howto I did a while ago on getting past the BBC’s IP address filter that blocks non UK web surfers before.

On Google Chrome
So I decided to do a Google Chrome version of the older howto as I don’t use Firefox nowadays.

1. Got to the Google Web Store and install the Proxy Switchy plugin

2. Once installed, a Tab will open with Proxy Switchy setup. Add a new profile called “iPlayer”, and put the ip of a free UK proxy service and add port 80. ie. _ 80

Getting lucky with Proxy Servers
*NOTE* The BBC isn’t stupid and are well aware fo proxy/vpn services and servers who abuse them by providing non-Uk access to their media. Some proxys are slow, others will have already been blocked, so it’s usually a game of proxy roulette to get a good one. 🙂

Having said that, combined with Kevie’s Howto which only downloads the streamed data, speed is irrelevant, as once it’s finished downloading you can watch it then.

Google “Free+UK+Proxy+Server” and yo’ll gte loads to choose from such as: