Install Spotify on Crunchbang 11

Installing Spotify
Next up was to install Spotify, and as I thought, there would be a hiccup due to a missing dependency. When this happens, a simple “apt-get -f install”” usually fixes it, but it turns out I needed an extra file from squeeze as Crunchbang 11 is based on Wheezy the new Debian Stable and Spotify Linux is old.

First I needed to download libssl0.9.8 from HERE and install it:

cd downloads
sudo dpkg -i libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-4squeeze14_i386.deb

Then I had to add the Spotify Linux repo to my sources list:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

And add these lines:

deb stable non-free

Next I imported the gpg key:

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 94558F59

Now I just needed to update and install Spotify

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client

Speeding up wireless internet on Crunchbang 11

On a recent new install of Crunchbang 11 I was having major problems connecting to my router with a Ralink RT3370 wireless USB dongle from my main tower. After investigating and playing around, this is my list of changes which got me sorted:

1. AES vs TKIP Encryption:
Connect to the router and change the WPA2 encryption from AES to TKIP. My first suspicon about the lack of connection was the encryption method and maybe the latest RT3370 drivers and wpasupplicant. After changing to TKIP I could connect, allbeit with a slow connection due to packet loss.

2. Move Adapter from USB2 to USB3:
Moved the Dongle from the front USB2 connector to a blue USB3 connector at the back, and I noticed a slight speed increase. After these hardware changes, it was time to go for some terminal-fu and edit a few files to get some extra internet speed.

3. Firstly I edited /etc/nsswitch.conf:
sudo vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
I commented out the original line:
#hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4
And changed it to:
hosts: files dns

4. Next I disabled ipV6 in Iceweasel:
In the address bar I typed “about:config” and changed “network.dns.disableIPv6” to “true” with a double-click.

5. Next up was to disable ipV6 system wide:
echo "#disable ipv6" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

6. Adaptor Power Management:
Another thing I had heard is that sometimes powercontrol can interfere with wireless speed as well so I disabled it for the USB dongle:
sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off

7. Swap nm-applet and network-manager for a Manual Static Wireless Connection:
First I disabled nm-applet from autostarting:
sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/BKPnm-applet
Then I stopped Network Manager:
sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop
And completely Disabled it:
sudo echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/network-manager.override

8. Just needed to add my manual network config:
sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
Added my wifi info:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static

Then manually added the Google dns addresses:
sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf
And add these:

Rebooted into a system with awesome internet cow-power-fu speeds!!

Installing Crunchbang 11 on a Netbook with external monitor

Back on Linux at Home and Blogging again
It’s been a while since i’ve posted as a new business project has had me using Windows a lot, yeah I know, but hey, life’s like that sometimes.
I moved my main computer tower into the lounge and it now serves as our main media center, with xbmc, spotify, games etc.

Crunchbang 11 on the Netbook
This left me with a monitor, keyboard and mouse in our bedroom…. and an Asus Netbook, so I thought what the hell and set about removing Ubuntu (slow as a snail, painfully slow) and installing my trusty old friend Crunchbang (which i’m typing from now).

I downloaded the 32bit version from HERE, made a Crunchbang pendrive via Unetbootin, installed and set about configuring it to be used as a desktop.

External Monitor Resolution
The first thing I noticed was that when I changed the resolution of the monitors, the settings would be lost after reboot, so I added these xrandr commands to my and both get set when I login:

## Set both external monitor and netbook resolutions
xrandr –output VGA1 –mode 1920×1080
xrandr –output LVDS1 –mode 800×600

All looking nice. next up to install XBMC…..

Wireless-Only installs with Debian, Crunchbang and Kali Linux – Missing Non-Free Firmware

Wireless Network
I changed my entire network over to wireless and my router is now fixed to the wall, 25 meters away from my office, in my lounge. The wireless from my office reaches ok, and means we have a stronger signal from the lounge where we have our XBMC media center and everybody connects with their smart phones.

Wireless PCI/USB cards and Non-Free Drivers
Due to the fact that some manufacturers won’t release the source code for their drivers (Thank you Broadcom and Ralink!!) we still have a bit of a hard time, even though Linux geniuses have reverse engineered and hacked practically all of them for us so we can load wireless modules from the kernel.

Politics and Freedom
Some distros willingly provide non-free drivers right from the get-go, others are more conservative and stick to Stallmanesque non-free restrictions. Debian does this…. still…. in 2013.

Debian Live Builder
I’ve built my own Debian based distros, and like other distros which are built with this system, mainly Crunchbang and just recently Kali Linux (The New “Debian-Based” Backtrack).

Live Yes – Install No
I recently got a bit of a surprise with some Live installs, as I found that when running both Crunchbang and Kali live, my Ralink wireless USB firmware was loaded and allowed me to connect to the internet, but when I went for the install, at the network configuration step, I was told that the firmware was missing!!

When this stage happens:
1. Take a picture of the screen on the Debian Installer which tells you which files you need from /lib/firmware. In my case “rt2870.bin” and “rtl8168e-3.fw”.

2. Insert a blank USB Pendrive
3. Reboot the Live CD to get to the Live Session
4. Copy the two needed files from /lib/firmware on the Live CD to the Pendrive
5. Reboot and run the installer

The Debian Live installer will detect the firmware on the Pendrive, load it, and allow you to choose your wireless ESSID and WPA key, and continue the install.

There’s no time like now for the old adage “You learn something new every day”.

May all you fellow wireless-only users, now be able to install any Debian-based distro without being put off by this minor freenoyance.

Howto Crunchbang install proprietary Ati drivers

Installing Manually on Crunchbang Statler (32/64bit)

This method uses the latest Catalyst driver downloaded from AMD/ATI’s site.
This was tested on a virgin install with no other previous attempts at installing Ati drivers. If you have an already edited system, with other drivers installed, remove them “completely” first.
Do everything below as root, in the /root directory

Install the prerequisite packages:

apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6 dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg0 module-assistant

Make sure you are ready to go with Module Assistant:

m-a prepare

Download the latest Catalyst package:
This package contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit driver (if you are on a 64bit machine, install ia32-libs) 

cd ~/; mkdir catalyst11.10; cd catalyst11.10/


chmod +x

Launch the Ati installer and go through the motions:


Now reboot, don’t try glxgears or the catalyst control center, in fact don’t touch anything, just reboot.

How to install Libre Office on Debian or Crunchbang with Openbox

Current (October 2012) Final LibreOffice 3.6.3

You can find the .tar.gz packages containing 32 and 64bit .debs on the download page:
32bit Debs (Torrent)

64bit Debs (Torrent)

Download and Unpack
First download the package for your version (mine is 64bit)  to your “/downloads” directory, then unpack it:

cd downloads

ls (then copy and paste the package name after the “tar -xvf” command)

tar -xvf LibO_3.6.3_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz

Install Libre Office 3.6.3
Change to the extracted LibO directory and install all the .deb packages in one go.

**Note** If Libre Office asks for Java (and you want to install it)

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

Libre Office

cd LibO (hit Tab button to complete)

cd DEBS 

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Where is Libre Office installed?
Libre Office 3.6.3 is now installed in /opt/libreoffice3.6/ and the application launchers are stored in /opt/libreoffice3.6/program

Add Libre Office to your Openbox menu

I use scite text editor to edit my Openbox menu basically as I have the option to save in .xml format (otherwise you get xml, end of line extra character errors etc) . You can also do this with Vim, Nano etc, if you know how to do it. I prefer having Scite already setup for xml editing.

Back-up and Edit

cp .config/openbox/menu.xml .config/openbox/menu.xmlBKP

scite .config/openbox/menu.xml

Add the Office Menu where you like


















































All done!
That’s it, you now have the latest Stable edition of Libre Office and you can launch everything from your Openbox menu 🙂

Howto Quick n Easy Manual Wireless Wpa2 PSK

Manual Commandline Network setup:

So this guide is for those of you who only connect to the same router via Wpa2/Psk encrypted wireless. Although if you want to, you can scan and connect to any wireless connection manually using the wireless-tools suite of scripts.

Wireless setup via a Gui:

If you regularly roam and need to search for and connect to different wireless connections, i’d suggest you install wicd-gtk, it’s in most Linux distro repositories. There’s also network-manager-gnome which provides the nm-applet gui. I prefer the manual method as the gui apps tend to write over system config files. For example, nm-applet removes your dns configs in /etc/resolv.conf.

Wireless Firmware:

Ok, you need to have your wireless drivers installed and working. I’m using a Broadcom BCM4138, whose drivers are supplied via the “firmware-b43-installer” which fetches the firmware from openwrt.

More on B43 here

Next up you need to authenticate with Wpa using PSK TKIP, this is accomplished by installing wpasupplicant:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant

Now you need to edit a couple of files:

sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces

Supposing your wireless card is called wlan0, and you want a static IP address you add this:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-ssid youressid
wpa-psk yourpassword

Just to make sure you can surf the net, check your dns config. I put my router IP and the Google Open DNS IP as well.

sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf

And add:


Now to connect, you only have to issue one command, then every time you login after that you will automatically be connected:

sudo ifup wlan0

That’s it, no need for Gui applications sucking resources and overwriting important files. Just a quick and easy auto-connected wireless every time you bootup.

Howto install Libre Office on Debian Squeeze / Crunchbang Statler


LibreOffice 3.4.2 Final is available at the end of July

You can download the 3.4.2 RC3 tar.gz from here, unpack and install the .debs manually if you prefer. (see comments)


Libre Office is currently only available in the wheezy ,sid and squeeze-backports repositories at the moment so I chose to install it from squeeze-backports.

1. You need to add backports to your sources.list:

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

And add this line:

deb squeeze-backports main

2. Update apt with:

sudo apt-get update

3. Then install Libre Office with:

apt-get -t squeeze-backports install libreoffice

E voilá !

Crunchbang Linux Right Mouse Click Gpg Encrypt/Decrypt scripts

Thunar Right-Click Menu Encryption/Decryption
This was a script inspired by machiner on the LxH Forum who showed me a cool Encrypt/Decrypt script a while ago.

Gpg and Password Protection
I decided to add a password dialogue box as well, which is launched in an xterm. I tried a Zenity diaogue box, but it caused a few problems with input and output, so my work colleague Eduardo stepped in and suggested doing it with an xterm pop-up instead. Edu is a far better coder than me.

Pgp/Gpg Key Creation
Obviously you need to have created pgp-keypair, I used Gpg (Gnu Privacy Guard) frontend, and you can find a Howto HERE You will also need “xterm” installed, but should come as default.

The Encrypt/Decrypt Scripts
You need to create two bash scripts in either /usr/local/bin or your home ~/bin, I chose the latter as I always backup my personal scripts. I called them RMCencrypt and RMCdecrypt. “RMC” means Right Mouse Click 🙂


# Handy Encryption Action ##

encrypt ()
#PASSWD=`zenity –entry –title “Password” –text “Enter password”`
#if [ “z$PASSWD” != “z” ]; then
# gpg -ac –no-options –passphrase $PASSWD “$1” || \
# zenity –error –text “Decryption failed: $?”
# zenity –error –text “No password: Aborted”
xterm -e “gpg -ac –no-options ${1+\”$@\”}; echo -n \”Press \”; read”

## End Handy Encryption Action ##

encrypt ${1+”$@”}


## Handy Decryption Action ##
decrypt ()
#PASSWD=`zenity –entry –title “Password” –text “Enter password”`
#if [ “z$PASSWD” != “z” ]; then
# gpg –no-options –passphrase $PASSWD “$1” || \
# zenity –error –text “Encryption failed: $?”
# zenity –error –text “No password: Aborted”
xterm -e “gpg –no-options ${1+\”$@\”}; echo -n \”Press \”; read”
## End Handy Encryption Action ##

decrypt ${1+”$@”}

Now just place those two scripts in ~/bin and make them executable (chmod +x).

Next up, open Thunar file manager, click the “edit” then “Configure custom file actions..” and add both scripts with a name and icon of your choice. I chose RMCencrypt and RMCdecrypt like the scripts, which Thunar Actions manager adds an %n after to encrypt the selected file.

You will now be able to encrypt and decrypt any file at the click of a (right) mouse button.

Fix: gettext_domain not understood below schema

What does node not understood below mean?
A few people have posted on forums an mailing lists regarding this message, so I thought I’d post a quick fix/workaround.
PS: I had to mess around with that message as my blog wouldn’t post it, even with code tags.

You may install a package or do an update/upgrade from the terminal and see this come up:

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for gconf2 ...
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
WARNING: node not understood below
Processing triggers for man-db ...

This is due to the tag in /usr/share/gconf/schemas/ not being recognized.

You can do a simple grep to find out which schema is causing the problem with this command:

grep gettext /usr/share/gconf/schemas/*

In my case it was caused by the schema for gnome-keyring:

/usr/share/gconf/schemas/gnome-keyring.schemas: <gettext_domain>gnome-keyring</gettext_domain>

Where do all these .schemas come from?

I don’t use gnome-keyring, so I just removed it. But I was curious to see what was there so I cd’d into /usr/share/gconf/schemas to take a look, and in my case I see that practically all the schemas are Gnome related. I’m on Crunchbang Statler Openbox, but did install Gnome a while back to have a play wih a few apps.

This is what I saw:

ls -ln /usr/share/gconf/schemas/
apps_evolution_addressbook.schemas desktop_gnome_interface.schemas gedit.schemas
apps-evolution-attachment-reminder.schemas desktop_gnome_lockdown.schemas gedit-show-tabbar-plugin.schemas
apps_evolution_calendar.schemas desktop_gnome_peripherals_keyboard.schemas gksu.schemas
apps_evolution_email_custom_header.schemas desktop_gnome_peripherals_mouse.schemas gnome-audio-profiles.schemas
apps_evolution_eplugin_face.schemas desktop_gnome_sound.schemas gnome-sound-recorder.schemas
apps-evolution-external-editor.schemas desktop_gnome_thumbnail_cache.schemas gnome-terminal.schemas
apps-evolution-mail-notification.schemas desktop_gnome_thumbnailers.schemas gnome-volume-control.schemas
apps-evolution-mail-prompts-checkdefault.schemas desktop_gnome_typing_break.schemas gnumeric-dialogs.schemas
apps_evolution_shell.schemas desktop_gnome_url_handlers.schemas gnumeric-general.schemas
apps-evolution-template-placeholders.schemas epiphany-lockdown.schemas gnumeric-plugins.schemas
apps_xchat_url_handler.schemas epiphany.schemas gstreamer-0.10.schemas
bogo-junk-plugin.schemas evince.schemas gweather.schemas
desktop_default_applications.schemas evince-thumbnailer-comics.schemas metacity.schemas
desktop_gnome_accessibility_keyboard.schemas evince-thumbnailer-djvu.schemas nm-applet.schemas
desktop_gnome_accessibility_startup.schemas evince-thumbnailer-dvi.schemas notification-daemon.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_at_mobility.schemas evince-thumbnailer-ps.schemas nst.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_at_visual.schemas evince-thumbnailer.schemas rhythmbox.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_browser.schemas evolution-mail.schemas system_dns_sd.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_office.schemas evolution-webcal.schemas system_http_proxy.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_terminal.schemas file-roller.schemas system_smb.schemas
desktop_gnome_applications_window_manager.schemas gcalctool.schemas vinagre.schemas
desktop_gnome_background.schemas gedit-drawspaces.schemas yelp.schemas
desktop_gnome_file_views.schemas gedit-file-browser.schemas

Solution Reinstall the offending package
I reinstalled gnome-keyring to take a look at its “.schema” only to find that the offending “gettext” tag no-longer exists. So it appears that it was a bug that has been reported and removed. So if you get this error, just reinstall the offending package and check the .schema, if it is still there, report it as a bug.

Now i’m off to remove all that nasty Gnome baggage 🙂

How to Use Mutt Email Client with Gmail

Going back to terminal based apps:
I’ve just recently gone back to the old-school ways of using the terminal instead of gui apps, as at work we administer a lot of Debian based servers remotely via ssh. My desktop now has one terminal open, with around 5-6 “Screens” with Mutt(email), Irssi(IRC), TwitVim(Identica), Elinks(Web) and a couple of spares for terminal/ssh work and editing with Vim.

Mutt is easier than you think:

Installing Mutt
To install mutt on Crunchbang/Squeeze:

sudo apt-get install mutt

Next, in the terminal, create these directories that mutt needs to cache message headers and bodies, and store certificates:

mkdir -p ~/.mutt/cache/headers
mkdir ~/.mutt/cache/bodies
touch ~/.mutt/certificates

Now, create a basic Gmail-ready .muttrc
Choose your own text editor, I use Vim

vim .muttrc

And paste this basic gmail-ready config:
Once you have it pasted, edit the Gmail account details (everything you’ll need to alter is IN CAPITALS.) and save the file.
**Note** If you are in the UK you will need to use a slightly different config:HERE

**Edit** Darrin suggested that as your password is in plaintext, it may also be a good idea to encrypt your home directory as well for added security. (I’ll try to post a guide on single file encryption, directory encryption and entire drive/partition encryption at a later date) Thanks for the suggestion Derrin.

# Change the following six lines to match your Gmail account details
set imap_user = ""
set imap_pass = "PASSWORD"
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
set smtp_pass = "PASSWORD"
set from = ""
set realname = "YOUR NAME"

# Change the following line to a different editor you prefer.
set editor = "vim"

# Basic config, you can leave this as is
set folder = "imaps://"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set imap_check_subscribed
set hostname =
set mail_check = 120
set timeout = 300
set imap_keepalive = 300
set postponed = "+[GMail]/Drafts"
set record = "+[GMail]/Sent Mail"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/headers
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/bodies
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates
set move = no
set include
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'reverse-last-date-received'
set auto_tag = yes
ignore "Authentication-Results:"
ignore "DomainKey-Signature:"
ignore "DKIM-Signature:"
hdr_order Date From To Cc
alternative_order text/plain text/html *
auto_view text/html
bind editor complete-query
bind editor ^T complete
bind editor noop

# Gmail-style keyboard shortcuts
macro index,pager y "unset trash\n " "Gmail archive message"
macro index,pager d "set trash=\"imaps://[GMail]/Bin\"\n " "Gmail delete message"
macro index,pager gi "=INBOX" "Go to inbox"
macro index,pager ga "=[Gmail]/All Mail" "Go to all mail"
macro index,pager gs "=[Gmail]/Starred" "Go to starred messages"
macro index,pager gd "=[Gmail]/Drafts" "Go to drafts"

Start Using Mutt:
Run it from the terminal by simply typing mutt and hit “enter”. The first time you do this, you’ll be prompted to accept two SSL certificates from Google; press ‘a’ to always accept these certificates. You should now be greeted by your Gmail inbox.

Navigating, Reading and Sending Emails

Mutt is controlled from the keyboard and the following shortcuts will get you up and running:
For a more in depth list of commands and config features, either hit the “?” key in an open Mutt session or type “man mutt” in the terminal.

j to move down.
k to move up.
d to delete a message
y to archive one
gi to view your Inbox
ga to view All Mail
gd to view Drafts
gs to view Starred messages

And here are a few more that are particular to mutt:

t will mark a message
s will save one, or more
c lets you change to a different folder
/ lets you search the current folder

Sending Email with mutt
The basics look like this:

1. Type m (or r if you’re replying to a mail)
2. Enter the recipients email address; hit Return
3. Enter a subject; hit Return
4. Write your message.
5. Save it.
6. Type y, and your message will be sent.

Type q to quit mutt.

Crunchbang Statler Alpha 2 Release – User input implimented

One of the things that drew me to Crunchbang was the fact that it has a pretty tight community as well as frequent participation by the head developer Phillip Newborough. Even his wife Becky is a regular participant. The new Crunchbang Statler Alpha2 is a testimony to team work.

Devs, Staff and Users working together

Many distros suffer with a lack of communication between the community and developers, frequently resulting in bugs not being fixed, requests being ignored. Not so with Crunchbang. The Crunchbang community is included in decision making, bug crunching and feature suggestions, and although there is only one “official” developer, you actually get a sense of being a part of the team.

Check out the latest changes for Alpha2 on the Crunchbang wiki and then consult the forums, and you will noticed that practically all the changes originated from user/staff input:

International Languages and Keyboards

While testing the first Alpha on my laptop which has a Spanish keyboard, I had a few configuration problems, so I went through a bit of trial and error and posted my fix. The same day, more international users jumped on the thread and started adding a whole load of information regarding keyboard configuration and language support. I edited my original “basic” post, and added the other suggestions. That’s what the Crunchbang community is like:

Crunchbang is Debian minus the politics

My laptops have Broadcom wireless and I have two desktops with Atheros which used to require Madwifi drivers before the ath5k and ath9k were updated and now work. As such, I need non-free firmware from the get-go. This is also something I advocated on Dreamlinux when I was part of the team, and hence Dreamlinux also comes with all wireless out of the box.

One of my first posts on the Crunchbang forums was to ask about the inclusion of Madwifi, and if there was any political policy regarding  non-free firmware. Here was the reply which put Crunchbang on all my computers:

The latest release notes for the Alpha2 also include this line which cheered me up:

Additional firmware for improved support of Broadcom wireless network cards.

I’m not the only Broadcom user, and a few of us provided input to hep other users to get their cards working:

So all in all Crunchbang and its community are ticking along nicely, and I am pretty sure that Crucnhbang is certainly going to be one of the regular Top 10 distros on Distrowatch in the near future.

Posted by a very happy  Crunchbanger 😉

Linux Sis Graphic Card Progress – No More Sisfb

Crunchbang Statler

Well, As my laptop uses a Sis graphics card:

Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter

I have always had to have the “video=sisfb” argument in Grub to load the sisfb (Sis Frame Buffer). Otherwise I fell victim to the “Bad Colour Depth” bug.

I have just installed the latest Sis driver “xserver-xorg-video-sis_0.10.2-3” from the Debian sid repos on Crunchbang Statler (Debian Squeeze) and removed the sisfb argument from Grub2 and have a beautiful shiny desktop with no colour problems whatsoever

For those who are curious, some photos can be seen here:


I have installed FreeBSD alongside Staler on this laptop and have been faced with the same Sis bug, unfortunately, there is no sisfb module available for FreeBSD, so I have been looking for other solutions. Quite a giant leap  into a new OS, not juts trying to fix the bug, but looking into the possibility of porting a new sis driver.

At the moment, my FreeBSD install has the 0.10.2-2 driver, so I am really hoping we get the 0.10.2-3 driver soon. I will be emailing the maintainers to see how that stands as I feel that porting the driver myself is going to be way out of my depth. However, the FreeBSD forum members have been very helpful and provided me links to guides.

I have a very, very nice FreeBSD Open Box setup now, all built from the base up (netinstall) from ports which took 5 days to compile and configure everything. I don’t want to have to abandon it for the sake of a Sis driver upgrade.

Fingers crossed.

Dual-Booting FreeBSD with Linux

Well, my other post outlined my first experiences with FreeBSD installation and setup. This post regards my dual-boot setup with Crunchbang Linux. If you run Linux and want to also try FreeBSD, this post may provide you with some insites and some basic information. I am very new to BSD and have relied heavily on the feedback from other BSD users.

Also, with Linux/Unix there is always more than one way to skin a cat. They way I have done things may not be the best way, but they work for me. I have learned a lot in the last week, and am very comfortable using a BSD system now. There is a learning curve, but nothing a Linux user can’t handle without the help of Google, The FreeBSD forms and the BSD users on Fossunet.

What system am I using?

Acer  Aspire 3004
AMD Mobile Athlon 32bit 3000+ (1.8Gb)
Sis Graphics card (64Mb)
Broadcom Wireless Network Card
1280X800 Widescreen Monitor

It has an 80Gb harddrive which is split into two partitions.

Partition 1: Has Crunchbang Statler installed on Ext3 inside an Extended partition which also has 1Gb Swap.

Partition 2: Has a single slice with FreeBSD 8 installed and also has its own Swap partition.

The Installation

Partitions and Grub2 Bootlader

Linux on the first partition with Grub2 installed to MBR. FreeBSD on the second partition with no Boot Loader as we will just add it to Grub2 from Linux.

I booted to Linux, opened Gparted, and deleted the spare 40Gb partition to leave 40Gb of free space. This will be used by FreeBSD as it asks you where to install itself.

Install FreeBSD from the PcBsd netinstall iso, see my other post for more info: HERE but the only thing you need to make sure of is that you choose FreeBSD, No PcBsd Bootloader and only install BSD-Ports as an extra package.

Add FreeBSD to Grub2

Grub2 has special files that you can add “Custom” additions such as un detected Linux OS’s and Unix based systems such as FreeBSD.

sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom

And add this (remember I have only two partitions)

menuentry "freebsd 8.0" {
set root=(hd0,2)
chainloader +1

Now you have to update Grub2 so that it retrieves that info and you can now boot to FreeBSD

sudo update-grub

First Steps With Your FreeBSD system

More to come………

Howto: Crunchbang Statler Xfce on EeePc

Got the full Crunchbang set

Well today I finally finished my complete collection of Crunchbang installs on all my computers. I had a bit of trouble with the first attempt of the USB install, but it was a Debian Installer formatting problem, not Crunchbang related. It also happened on one of my laptops where after formatting the partitions, the installer threw up a message about an unclean partition with a previous install. This was on a fresh partition.

How to install Crunchbang Statler on an EeePc
First you need to download you Crunchbang Statler of choice; OpenBox or Xfce, i486, i686, amd64bit.
See this post about which one to choose:
And the full list of downloads here:

I chose the i686 Xfce Edition for my Netbook as I already have the OpenBox Edition on two laptops, and as the the processor is an Intel, I chose the i686 version.

My EeePc Specs:
Asus EeepPC 900 HD
Intel Celeron 900 MHz Processor
1Gb Ram
Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics
Realtek Semiconductor RTL8187SE Wireless
160Gb HDD

USB Pendrive Preparation, and Transferring the Iso:
I asked for help on the Crunchbang Forums and omns gave me the link to this guide (which I followed to the letter):

Getting the EeePc ready:
I plugeed in my Pendrive fired up my EeePc and at boot hit F2 to get into the BIOS setup. My main task was to choose the USB as the main harddrive, then go to the boot order and select it as the first boot device before the harddrive. Hit F10 to save and exit and restart.

Lovely Jubbly! Got the Crunchbang install menu and chose Text Install and went through the motions which are pretty self-explanatory.

There was a very important note on the Crunchbang wiki about Cdrom drivers:

Using the USB stick to perform a HD install
If you are using your newly created CrunchBang USB stick to perform a hard disk installation, the install will prompt you to “Load CD-ROM drivers from removable media?” To workaround this, you should:
1. Select ”” when prompted to “Load CD-ROM drivers from removable media?”
2. Select ”” when prompted to “Manually select a CD-ROM module and device?”
3. Select “none” on the next screen.
4. Enter ”/dev/sdX” when prompted for “Device file for accessing the CD-ROM:“
❗ Replace /dev/sdX with the actual hard disk device learned from the command above.

The installation should now continue as normal.

I did as it said and chose “sda” which is the EeePc main harddrive and the setup continued.

Partitioning and Installing
I just went through the motions as with any other Debian install and the only problem I came up against was that something went wrong with the formatting of my chosen partition. I got an error saying that the partition was unclean, and that there were remnants of a previous install. I remember this happening on one of my laptops before, so I just chose to delete the partition, and then tell the Debian installer to automatically partition the free space. Worked like a charm. I got an Ext3 file system, which I always use on production systems, and a 2Gb Swap partition. I normally only choose 1Gb for Swap, but not really an issue on a 160Gb drive.

The install went perfectly, I shutdown, removed the USB pendrive, reset the boot order to main Harddrive, and fired up my spanking new Crunchbang EeePc.

Everything worked out of the box, including wireless. I still need to dig deeper and investigate further, but on first experiences it’s fast, light, and very well laid out for an EeePc desktop. I had Ubuntu UNR on it before, which had a custom menu that took up the entire screen and all the windows had the top bars removed (No minimize, close buttons) which made for a very bloated hard to manage desktop. Crunchbang on my EeePc looks and feels exactly like my other desktops, but a mini version. Currently very comfoirtably performing my daily tasks.

More to come once I have given everything a full work out for a week.

Crunchbang Faster Internet – No iPv6

To disable iPv6 system-wide for all connections you can edit the aliases.conf file:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/aliases.conf

Then uncomment iPv6 line and turn it off :

#alias net-pf-10 ipv6

So that the network protocols looks like this:

# network protocols ##########################################################
# alias net-pf-1 unix
# alias net-pf-2 ipv4
# alias net-pf-3 ax25
# alias net-pf-4 ipx
# alias net-pf-5 appletalk
# alias net-pf-6 netrom
# alias net-pf-8 atm
# alias net-pf-9 x25
alias net-pf-10 ipv6 off
# alias net-pf-11 rose
# alias net-pf-12 decnet

Now reboot and go super-speed-surfing 😉

Chrome + Html5 – Bye Bye Adobe Flash

Flash and Linux
Well, as a Linux user, I have always had problems with Flash on any browser, especially with Firefox as it has gone from a lightweight browser to a bloated behemoth.

After hearing about Html5 and it’s being a possible replacement for flash video, my heart leapt. I thought pleeease let this be true. I Googled Youtube + Html5 and came across this video and also the Youtube html5 Beta sign up page. I already have Chrome installed on my #!Crunchbang-driven laptop so no problem there.

Html5 in action

Flash still needed
Apparently, videos which contain ads will revert back to Flash, but this is most certainly a great step forward.

Adobe Vs Apple
I am aware of the Adobe Vs Apple conflict at the moment, and as a Linux user I am right behind Apple. All I know about from Adobe are Photoshop, Reader (pdf) and Flash, none of which either work or are needed on Linux. Gimp will do most of what the average user needs with images, we have Pdf readers, and hopefully Html5 will take over and push Flash out.

So, for the moment I am watching as many videos as possible on Youtube with Chrome and Html5.

Lightweight Hardware Information Gui


Everybody knows about “lshw” and getting hardware information via the Terminal, you can even pipe it to a text document or get specific hardware info:

sudo lshw > hardware.txt
sudo lshw -html > hardware-info.html
sudo lshw -short
sudo lshw -class memory

But, today I also found lshw-gtk gui to go with it. It’s amazing what you find when you dig through the repos, or go searching for something related.
Basically I am running Crunchbang 10 “Statler” and wanted to pipe my harwdare profile to a text file, only to find that lshw isn’t installed by default.
So I did a search for “lshw” and saw “lshw-gtk”, cool methinks, i’ll have a look at that, being as I love Gtk apps if a gui is necessary.

sudo aptitude install lshw lshw-gtk

And run it from the terminal with:
gksudo lshw-gtk

This is what I got:

Nice little app 🙂

#! Crunchbang Set the Time via Terminal CLI


Set the time manually via the terminal cli

When setting the time manually, the time string may be confusing. The command date –set … accepts the date and time in many formats. You can read the ShUtils info document, or use the example below to figure out one possible format. The date is given in ISO 8601 standard format YYYY-MM-DD for Year-Month-DayOfMonth, and time of day using 24 hour clock. Leading zeros are significant.

Set the date
sudo date --set 2010-01-28

Set the time
sudo date --set 21:08:00

Restart Tint2 to see the correct time:
sudo killall tint2
tint2 &

Conky Forecast on #! Crunchbang

Add Kaivalagi’s Lucid repo, and install ConkyForecast:
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore-lucid.list

Get the repo Gpg key:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Update APT and install conkeyforecast:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conkyforecast

Copy the conkyforecast config to your home directory:
cp /usr/share/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.config ~/.conkyForecast.config

Edit it to add your XOAP key: (which you get from )
nano ~/.conkyForecast.config


Install Swiftfox on #! Crunchbang


If you want a bit of speed to your browsing now that Firefox has gone all bloated and slow, try Swiftfox.

Just download your desired version, I chose the i686 for my old AMD Mobile Sempron:

Now you need to get a dependency: (libxp6)
sudo apt-get install libxp6

Then install the Swiftfox .deb file: (mine was downloaded to my “downloads” directory)
cd downloads

Change the next command to suit your Swiftfox build:
sudo dpkg -i swiftfox_3.6.0-1_i686.deb

That’s it, you can now run Swiftfox with the command:

As it reads from the standard Mozilla directory, all your bookmarks etc for Iceweasel will also be available.

Crunchbang 10 Statler Review

Download location:

|IT-0| Install/Live Test BOTH
Time to Boot/Install: 10 Minutes
The text based installer didn’t show up probably as I installed on a Sis based Laptop. I solved this by adding the vga=791 to the installer commandline:

|N-5| Network (router/modem/wireless)
Wifi: See Notes
Nic: Eth0 connected with Network Manager and DHCP with no problem at all
Modem: N/A
As of yet, the Alpha does not have wireless tools or Broadcom drivers/firmware installed, so I just manually installed them and fired up wirless without a problem.

|U-0| USB periferals NOT TESTED

|G-5| Graphics Card
Make and Model: Sis Graphics Card (No proprietary Linux Drivers/Firmware)
Always problems with this card on any Linux distro. The sisfb framebuffer has to be added to Grub:

|S-5| Speed+ DM
Desktop: OpenBox
Slow or Fast? Very fast !

|F-5| Forum Support


The Crunchbang forums and community in general are awesome. I mean really. The Crunchbang community is a mixed batch of experienced users and newbies all working together to make the best of their distro. User feedback and support is amazing, probably the best Linux distro forums I know (obviously I won’t comment on Dreamlinux Forums or LxH, bias etc Tongue ) Everybody gets involved with support, chat, scripts, apps. Whatsmore the head developer and forum Admin (corenominal) plays a very big part in the community, which is something that many other forums lack.

Points Guide
0. Didn’t Work
1. Unsatisfactory
2. Satisfactory
3. Good
4. Very Good
5. Excellent

General observations:
I spoke to omns and corenominal about putting together a FluxBang Fluxbox edition, but as soon as I installed the Crunchbang Debian OpenBox edition (I also have the Ubuntu version), I decided that there is nothing i can do with Fluxbox that would even come close to competing with (or offering anything new) to this already amazing distro.

This version has blown me away and rekindled my desire to distro-test and help support a distro. I tried OpenBox before, but as a Fluxbox fan, I always went back to Fluxbox (Dreamlinux and Tota). But Crunchbang has done something special with it, and I will be leaving it as it is.

Crunchbang goes Debian – Statler Alpha1

I have just installed Crunchbang 10 Statler which is the first of Crunchbang’s move to Debian, Squeeze to be precise.
Here is the release announcement:

The first alpha of CrunchBang 10 “Statler” is now available. Download it at your own risk!

If you do decide to give it a try, please do not forget to provide feedback. Your comments and suggestions are really important to the future development of the project, so please warm-up your digits and get ready to type-up your notes.

For anyone who might be interested, I have written up some release notes on the wiki. Apologies about the lack of details, but this is a new start to the project and I am not sure I could reasonably detail every change.

P.S. Please do not break the new download servers. Captain Link Hogthrob, Dr. Julius Strangepork & First Mate Piggy are all new to the job, so take it easy on them!

I have always liked Crunchbang, but even though I do have Ubuntu installed on two of my computers, I just couldn’t get into it. And in my quest for a Debian based Window Manager run desktop, myself and the guys at LxH built Tota Linux

I have always been a Fluxbox freak, and basically end up Fluxbox-izing everything. I am currently working on the Tota Fluxbox Edition as well as building a Fluxbox desktop for the upcoming Dreamlinux 4.0.

I PM’d omns and corenominal about creating a FluxBang Community Edition, but after installing the latest Debian based Crunchbang Alpha I just fell in love with what has been done with OpenBox.
Therefore I decided to abandon all hope of doing anything with Fluxbox that hasn’t already been done with OpenBox:

As soon as I had installed and had a good play with Crunchbang Statler I decided to write a Distro Test over at LxH, something that for a long time, no distro has given me any incentive to do:

So far so good, I am really enjoying the simplicity and speed. Whatsmore, as it is Debian and not Ubuntu, you also get a psychological impression of stability. I use Ubuntu and it’s good, but it always leaves you feeling scared that the next update or reboot will break something. Debian Squeeze did that to me a couple of times on Tota and also a Vanilla install but it was always due to third party apps or a small (fixable) bug.

Hopefully Crunchbang on Debian has started as it means to go on, because it is absolutely rockin’ at the moment.

Just added Corenominal’s Twitterzoid script

Corenominal (Philip from #!Crunchbang) has written an awesome script for Twitter.

I created a page called Twitter, then edited the link to go to the /twitter directory where I uploaded his script.
Just edit “example.php” and call it “index.php” then edit it to add your Twitter details.

This is Philip’s example template, but i’m going to play with the css and see what I can do. I’m still not completely decided on my theme, but at least you can see how it looks/works.

Quickest Archlinux install guide ever?

This was posted by willxtreme on the Crunchbang forum:
#! ArchBang

Setup Arch with OpenBox
He did it in VirtualBox so just add your graphics driver.

1) Boot cd & login as root & type /arch/setup
2) Select Source>CD
3) Set clock UTC
4) Prepare HD>Auto Prepare for now
***5) Select ALL Packages lol & install them***
6) Configure w/ Nano
-rc.conf>check timezone
>MODULES=(!net-pf-10 !snd_pcsp !pcspkr loop) #to disable ipv6 & beep
>change myhost to your desired cpu name (sasoria)
-/etc/hosts>be sure to see your hostname
-/etc/locale.gen>uncomment your locale
-/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist>uncomment for your country (Canada)
-Set your root passwd & click Done
7) Bootloader>Grub (check menu.lst & see if all cool)>select your main HD>Reboot
8) Login as root & ping to check your network
9) pacman -Syu & reboot if there was a kernel upgrade
10) useradd -m -G users,audio,video,wheel,storage,optical,power -s /bin/bash will
11) passwd will
12) pacman -S powerpill (powerpill -Syu from now on when you do big installs)
13) pacman -S alsa-utils also-oss>alsaconf (detect snd card)
>run alsamixer as normal user to adjust vol(m to unmute) ex:su – will
14) save settings by going back root & run alsactl store
15) #nano /etc/rc.conf to add alsa & hal: DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network crond alsa hal)
16) in the following order:pacman -S libgl>pacman -S xorg>pacman -S mesa
17) # pacman -S xf86-video-vmware
18) # Xorg -configure > cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
19) enable hotplugging # pacman -S hal dbus xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-synaptics
20) pacman -S openbox obconf obmenu
21) Once openbox is installed you will get a message to move menu.xml & rc.xml to ~/.config/openbox/ in your home directory:
# su – yourusername
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/openbox/
$ cp /etc/xdg/openbox/rc.xml ~/.config/openbox/
$ cp /etc/xdg/openbox/menu.xml ~/.config/openbox/
edit your ~/.xinitrc (as non-root user) and add the following:
exec openbox-session